President Ruto addressing the delegates at UNEA6

President William Ruto's assertion that Kenya is the cradle of mankind reflects not only the nation's rich history but also its commitment to global cooperation and environmental stewardship. By welcoming delegates from member states to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA6), he extends a hand of hospitality and collaboration, emphasizing Kenya's role as a hub for international dialogue and action. This statement underscores Kenya's recognition of its heritage and its willingness to embrace diversity and unity in addressing pressing environmental challenges.

As the President of Kenya, I am deeply committed to the global efforts to combat climate change and environmental degradation. The establishment of the Lose and Damage fund marks a significant step forward in supporting developing countries in building resilience against the adverse impacts of climate change. However, developed nations must operationalize this fund by providing the necessary financial support. This solidarity is crucial in ensuring that vulnerable nations have the resources they need to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Furthermore, the adoption of the Global Biodiversity Framework in Montreal is a milestone in our collective mission to preserve and restore biodiversity. This framework not only aims to reduce biodiversity loss but also addresses the urgent issue of plastic pollution. Eliminating plastics and implementing measures to reduce plastic usage are essential steps towards safeguarding our ecosystems and marine life. In light of Kenya's dedication to environmental conservation, I propose that the secretariat for the plastic treaty be established in Kenya. With our experience in environmental stewardship and commitment to sustainability, Kenya is well-positioned to lead efforts in tackling the global plastic crisis and promoting a greener, cleaner future for all.


Leila Benali (President of UNEA-6) at High-Level Segment & National Statements - Sixth Session of the UN Environment Assembly.

Aichi targets