The decision to split Global Target 20 into two national targets for Kenya reflects a strategic and tailored approach to meet the challenges of capacity-building, technology transfer, and scientific cooperation in biodiversity conservation. National Target 1 underscores the importance of empowering both individuals and institutions through strengthened capacity-building, access to technology, and innovation promotion by 2030. This recognizes the need for a holistic strategy to enhance the contributions of diverse stakeholders to biodiversity conservation. National Target 2 adopts a collaborative stance, emphasizing the strengthening of technical and scientific cooperation. This involves joint efforts for technology and research development, both locally and internationally, with a focus on diverse cooperation frameworks. This targeted division allows Kenya to address individual and collaborative aspects, providing clear and measurable objectives that align with the global goal. The national targets acknowledge Kenya's unique context, ensuring a focused and effective implementation of the overarching biodiversity framework.
By 2030, strengthen capacity-building and development, access to and transfer of technology, and promote innovation through enhanced technical and scientific cooperation at all levels, with emphasis on collaborative efforts both nationally and internationally.
Aichi targets
GBF Targets