The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)

United Nations Avenue, Gigiri Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 30552, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (0)20 762 1234Nairobi Gigiri


The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) will take place from 26 February to 1 March, 2024 at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. 

As the world’s top decision-making body on the environment, UNEA aims to help restore harmony between humanity and nature, improving the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people. 

UNEA-6 will focus on how multilateralism can help tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. Backed by strong science, political resolve and engagement with society, the Assembly will be an opportunity for world governments, civil society groups, the scientific community and the private sector to shape the global environmental policy.

Aichi targets
The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)
27 February - 02 March 2024