Target 21: Enhance availability and access to credible data and knowledge to inform biodiversity action.

By 2030, ensure that the best available data, information and knowledge are accessible to decision- makers, practitioners and the public to guide effective and equitable governance, integrated and participatory management of biodiversity, and to strengthen communication, awareness-raising, education, monitoring, research and knowledge management and, also in this context, traditional knowledge, innovations, practices and technologies of indigenous peoples and local communities should only be accessed with their free, prior and informed consent[1], in accordance with national legislation

The division of Global Target 21 into two national targets for Kenya reflects a strategic and phased approach to ensuring the availability and accessibility of biodiversity-related data, information, and knowledge. National Target 1 sets a specific timeline, aiming to ensure that the best available biodiversity data and knowledge are readily accessible to decision-makers, practitioners, and the public by 2025. This target addresses the core objective of improved accessibility and aligns with the global focus on effective communication, awareness-raising, and education. National Target 2 emphasizes the importance of respecting the traditional knowledge, innovations, and practices of indigenous and local communities. It sets a clear expectation that access to this knowledge should only be granted with free, prior, and informed consent, aligning with national legislation.

GBF Targets