Target 10: Achieve 20% Sustainable Management in Aquaculture, Fisheries, Forestry, and Agriculture by 2030

By 2030, ensure at least 20% (to be reviewed after the baseline assessment) of areas under aquaculture, fisheries, forestry, and agriculture are sustainably managed, including through sustainable use, certification mechanisms, the application of spatial planning, and other biodiversity-friendly and innovative approaches and agroecological practices; regenerative agriculture, precision farming, integrated pest management

The percentage of areas under productive systems to be sustainably managed has been left blank to leave room for the baseline assessment - as it would be difficult to ascribe a percentage for sustainable management when the total area of production in the country is not known. The specific sustainable management activities most relevant to Kenya's national context include sustainable use, agroecological practices, regenerative agriculture, precision farming, integrated pest management, certification mechanisms, the application of spatial planning, and other biodiversity-friendly and innovative approaches - all listed directly in the target to ensure that the activities are properly understood and sufficiently budgeted for. The outcomes of this sustainable management will all be tracked in the indicators for this target. These outcomes include food security, sustainable, efficient and resilient productivity, the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, and the maintenance of nature’s contributions to people, including ecosystem functions and services.

GBF Targets