Target 09: Management of Wild Species Is Sustainable and Benefits People

By 2030, put in place sustainable management practices and use of all wild species, including through sustainable biodiversity-based activities, products and services that enhance biodiversity, and protecting and encouraging customary sustainable use by Indigenous peoples and local communities.

To best manage Kenya’s wild species, a national, county and community-based participatory quantitative, qualitative, and economic baseline assessment on wild species utilized by each sector and community is needed to understand the scope and benefits of the country’s wild species. The baseline will allow for the tracking of progress against ensuring the sustainable management and use of all wild species. How wild species will be sustainably managed will include biodiversity-based activities, products and services that enhance biodiversity as well as protect and encourage customary sustainable use by Indigenous peoples and local communities. The specific actions towards achieving the target were included in the target language to ensure that the activities were properly understood and sufficiently budgeted for.

GBF Targets