The environmental Performance Index (EPI) has evolved as an important tool for assessing countries
and counties’ performance in environmental management. The EPI is a performance-oriented
composite index designed to supplement the environmental targets set forth in the SDGs. The
Kenya Environmental Performance Index (KEPI) is fashioned around the global EPI, as a home-
grown EPI, based on local indicators. The first National EPI was successfully prepared in 2018,
and will be updated every 2 years. In the 2018 global EPI, Kenya was ranked at position
130/180 up from position 140/180 in 2014, improving from a baseline EPI of 36.99 to 47.25 in
2018. In the latest 2020 EPI release, Kenya was ranked position 132 among 162 countries
around the world with a score of 34.7%, a drop from the 2018 status
Document type
Publication date (of file/URL)
1 June 2020
Aichi targets
KEPI-2020-final-print.pdf4.06 MB